Time for TEA

The Offerings

Dive into the essence of your being as we weave together aspects from your astrological chart and Human Design in a process that feels like a sacred tea ceremony. This foundational reading will reveal a clear picture of who you are & why you're here, helping you transform, expand, and attune your life!

Learn why we choose the relationships in our lives and understand how to value the unique roles of others. These readings will develop your ability to attune to and align energies in ways that co-create healthy and reciprocal connections.

Receive personalized and timely guidance while you explore your core essence and develop your ability to vitalize your mind, body, and spirit. This integration support instills trust in your inner guidance, so you navigate your life with confidence and show up exactly as you’re meant to be.

Get to Know: ALEE LINK

Alee possesses a deep desire to help people understand who they are and why they’re alive on Earth right now, and she has spent most her life supporting and encouraging her clients to fulfill their innate potential, so that they may experience the potency of true and rich connectivity- with themselves, with one another, with all of nature, and directly with the Divine.

She believes in the power of raising awareness for effective action, and she sources from astrology, Human Design, and her own intuitive processes to help her clients know where to focus their attention, so they may remember how to confidently walk their unique path and express the essence of their soul.

By distilling and weaving multiple disciplines, healing modalities, and wisdom lineages into simple, grounded, and appropriate offerings, Alee’s clients receive an embodied experience, giving them clarity of their whole being like never before!

It is her belief that when you raise your own vibration, you raise the vibration of the planet. Thus, she designs her sessions to do just that: RAISE VIBRATIONS.

Explore spirituality, purpose, meaningful living, motherhood, astrology, human design, yoga, travel, and the magic (and intensities) of being alive in an unfiltered and unpolished way


Questions? Not sure where to begin?

Please fill out the form, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I can’t wait to hear from you!


  • Thank you so much for the reading!!!! I have listened to it many times and learned and felt through it. Receiving small images of myself (as well as who I am not!!!) through the process. Thank you again! I will be diving through this over and over slowly taking it in. 


  • I am fresh off listening to my reading. WOW. So many beautiful things came up for me. I have chills. I have been seen. Hard to find the words. Thank you thank you. Excited to deep dive in my journaling. So excited for our next session and thank you for your words and guidance. I am just so light today.


  • I listened to it this evening and heard so much I needed to hear! There is so much to take away, and I can’t wait to listen again and do the journal prompts. I already feel so inspired by it. I also wanted to mention how great it is listening to your voice and the sounds in background. So calming and grounding. 


  • Thank you for affirming and making crystal clear what I’ve always felt but never had the courage to embrace. This is truly life changing for me.  Because of you and in honor of you I now have the permission (that I didn’t realize I needed) to live my life fully.  And for that I am forever grateful.


  • I’m so excited to dive into all this wonderful information and listen over and over again I appreciate your efforts so much and hope to use your insight to help guide me going forward, turning the page and adding greater value to the world with my life. 


  • I hope you know you are changing lives!!!! I had some time this morning so dove right in. Literally giggling as you're telling me about the bookstores. This theme of writing has been coming up over and over. I could write a novel (the irony!) but I am going to take a break to process and take a walk. I cannot thank you enough for this, and can't wait to listen again after I finish the practices. These sessions are invaluable- truly. Thank you does not suffice. My SOUL needed this SO BADLY and I feel so much lighter with this knowledge.


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