Attune: Bring Into Harmony

Attunement: to bring into harmony, to make aware of

We live in a world where we consume and absorb information all day, everyday. Most of what we take in today is likely more than our great grandparents experienced in their entire lifetime. We must ask ourselves: WHAT are we actually encountering and is it truly beneficial to the evolution of our souls?

I think it’s easy to read an inspirational quote on instagram or listen to an intellectual conversation on a podcast and assume it’s improving our lives, but in actuality real shift and transformative change occurs from conscious action, from actual experience, from applying the insight into our real lives. It’s just too easy to intellectualize information. Everything in life changes for the better when we attune our inside world with our outside world, when we connect what we learn with our everyday existence, when we harmonize our thoughts, words, and actions with who we truly are and why we’re here. 

To attune is to bring our everyday lives into alignment with our soul’s unique purpose. To attune is to bring great awareness to who we came here to be and live our lives in alignment with our true core essence. We do this by becoming more aware of our inner landscapes so we can make wise choices in our lives in order to activate the life of our dreams. 

The art of attuning is simply an invitation to become more aware of our internal workings, as well as to life beyond us. The extent we are aware of our external world is a direct reflection of how we perceive our internal world. That’s because our thoughts, words, and actions co-create our reality. When you become more aware of what brings you joy, peace, bliss, and fulfillment; more aware of what lights you up and makes you feel prosperous, alive, and abundant; then you’ll become aware of your unique gifts and talents and understand how true service is rooted from this state of awareness. Then we can activate our genius like never before and really BE who we came here to be. 

When we attune with the true nature of our being, we make a choice to raise our individual vibration, which, in turn, improves the vibration and light in this mighty world. By choosing to live the life we are meant to live, we increase the likelihood for richness, prosperity, and abundance to flow to us. 

Devote yourself to attunement. Commit to a life of improved connectivity with your self, with others, with Nature, and the Divine. Your soul came here right now for a reason. What you choose to do and how you choose to be in this incarnation is directly connected to the how you attune to life.


Expand: Open Up and Unfold


Creating Time for TEA