Sovereignty + Aligned Action = Mind Blowing Rewards

So often I find myself thinking about and reflecting on subjects that enter my mind and heart. Then I begin to see nods to that subject or teaching everywhere I go- be it in a podcast, a conversation with a friend, in a book I’m reading- like EVERYWHERE! I know it’s the Universe’s way of getting my attention, and there is a teaching God needs for me to hear, understand, and eventually share.

By now, having had my chart read and reading my own chart MANY times, I know that I process and distill spiritual teachings via the vehicle of my voice. So in this installment of “We’ll See What It Turns Into,” we dive into the importance of Aligned Action (even in the winter) coupled with an IMPORTANT look into the word Sovereignty.

The meditation I reference in the recording can be found HERE.

Thank you for being here. I am genuinely so grateful.


Finding Kai’s Birth Certificate Changed EVERYTHING


Introducing “We’ll See What It Turns Into”