Introducing “We’ll See What It Turns Into”
One thing I know for sure is there is nothing more potent and magical than doing your own thing in a way that makes sense to you even if (or especially if) it’s not currently being modeled. I have always known I’m meant to share words via writing, speaking, teaching, etc. However, the thought of a podcast isn’t exactly interesting to me and then when I sit down to write a blog or begin writing a book, I feel uninspired. Recently, I just sat down, though, and said: this is what it is. No need to label it. No need to try to push it out to thousands of people. I know I’m meant to share words and they must be channeled in a way that feels exciting, aligned, and interesting to me otherwise it will feel inauthentic, grueling, and annoying.
I want to feel inspired to share. I want to want to share. I don’t want to have to figure out logistics… I don’t want to worry about posting on social media consistently… I don’t want to have to keep up with trends… I just want to share what I feel called to share when I feel the desire and because of my trust and understanding in the Universe, I know it will land exactly where it’s meant to precisely when it’s meant to.
So I hope you enjoy this “audio blog” that’s not a podcast, not a blog… it just is what it is and we’ll figure it out together along the way. Thank you for being here. I am genuinely so ecstatic to share in this way and be able to offer all of the exciting things my heart has been brewing up over the past few months. Sending massive love and the deepest gratitude for your presence.