Reverence for My Children
One of the most efficient parenting hacks I’ve experienced is the gift of knowing, connecting with, and understanding the astrological and Human Design charts of my children. Full disclaimer, I do not have every detail committed to memory, but my devotion to really understanding their unique souls has been life changing!
I’ll be honest, I didn’t devote as much time to honoring the essences of my first two children. At the time, I was too focused on their differences and similarities; a game of yin and yang, masculine and feminine, solar and lunar. I felt pulled between polarities. Then our third child’s arrival changed the family’s dynamics and my thinking. It was then that I began to witness my children as INDIVIDUALS.
I learned quickly in motherhood that different individuals obviously need different parenting styles. They have different love languages and needs. Trying to parent all three and give them all the similar love and care felt more chaotic than helpful. I could write an entire book on the power of this alone- but for now, I will just share that me understanding who they truly are and why they’re here - not only on the planet, but why they chose me and they chose my husband; what we can offer each of them and what they are here to teach us - has awakened a life of richness like I never knew possible.
It’s a breath of fresh air when I understood that the thing I might’ve been trying to control or condition out of them was actually an aspect of their essence that they were developing to one day change the world. This insight guided me to channel my energy in a whole new way, offering them more grace and understanding, which, in the end of the day, makes them each feel seen and loved for exactly who they are.
If you’re telling the “loud” child to be quiet constantly and yet they have clear signs in their charts that they are here to use their voice motivationally and be heard, then your parenting may condition into them that it ISN’T feel safe to use their voice or they must remain quite, and this child will likely bury their beautiful gift instead of developing it, so it may be shared with the world.
By knowing the intricacies of your children’s charts, you upgrade your potential as a parent, helping them develop their unique genius. Then, you know how to hold space for them while they explore who they are and why they’re here at their own pace without needing to be taught or conditioned into what others think they should be.
This approach also greatly reduces stress and frustration for parents. For me, I no longer waste energy trying to control my children’s every move and word. While I am certainly not perfect and there are days I wish I could have a do-over, I know the way to nurture each individual at the end of the day. Even when I mess up, I know how to approach an apology with each child to make amends and gifting them the type of nourishment they need.
The bottom line for me is it has taken a lot of guess work out of motherhood. As a cancer sun and virgo moon, I am here for that!
My Reverence readings will make you fall in love with your children in a whole new way. Each session - whether you look at all your children together or individually - will expand your heart as much as it was on the day your precious angel was born.
Truthfully, it will blow your mind in the best of ways!