Time for TEA: My Process

I weave together both astrological birth charts and human design charts to reveal the intricacies and details of my clients’ total being, helping them understand the grand tapestry that they are.

To get started, all my clients share their exact birth day and time, as well as their place of birth. Additionally, my “tea date” may share anything they’re growing through, including specific areas of their life they’d like me to look into based on their birth charts. Before an actual reading, I start with a prayer, asking God, the Universe, All That Is to place me in the energy field of my client. I open myself as a channel to receive exactly what is needed at that time and pray for clarity, so I can communicate that directly with my client. Finally, I ask God to help me remind my client just how magical, beautiful, and precious they are.

Sometimes I dive right in and begin. Other times, the energy calls me to a specific setting or moment that helps me understand the energy of my client. No matter what happens, it always makes perfect sense afterwards when I begin recording, because it is so fascinating and wildly aligned with the energy of the person I’m reading for. All this comes through before the details of the birth charts are revealed, so the guidance from the Divine is the first thing experienced.

We’ll progress the session with some type of somatic embodiment experience. Like all of my sessions, this is curated for the individual. I’ve never experienced the same energy twice; therefore, I’ve never offered the same activities or begun the readings in the same way twice. I believe this step is essential, because it’s really easy to intellectualize all of this information, but the real magic of astrology and human design comes when we absorb it into our bodies and feel it come alive within us- so beginning with embodiment is key for my process.

My unique genius is my ability to distill all these details and help you image the grand masterpiece that you are. I connect the dots, so that everything shared feels real, digestible, and tangible. My intention is to help you apply this information in your everyday life. It shouldn’t feel lofty or too esoteric. I pray it lands in a way that feels practical and approachable.

Once the reading is complete and sent, I encourage a period for integration. I follow up with complimentary resources (should you need them) like journal prompts, meditations, somatic experiences, and other insights that feel aligned with the energy of a client’s reading. Everything I share will help you infuse it into your mind, body, and spirit with ease.

Integration time varies for each individual client, and we will know when to continue our work and explore additional offerings.

I am constantly overflowing with gratitude when I am able to serve others in such a deep, intimate, and collaborative way. When you are ready to schedule Time for TEA with me, I promise you will not regret taking the time to transfom, expand, and attune your life.


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